Be Nice to Your Eyes This Holiday

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But did you know, among the lights, trees and decorations, there are dangers lurking that could harm your eyes this holiday? Fortunately, you don’t have to put away all your holiday decorations just yet. You just need to take some extra precautions this season!

Have Yourself an Eye-healthy Holiday

Many think the dangers of the holidays come in the form of roadways, colds and flu, and so on. But your eye health could also be at risk if you’re not careful.

First, ornaments. Glass ornaments in particular can pose a risk to your eye health. When a glass ornament breaks, the pieces splatter not only on the ground, but in the air, too. If you’re close by when this occurs, glass from the ornament could fly into your eye. Some glass can also find its way into your eye when you’re cleaning up the mess. Be sure to keep your hands clean and wear gloves if possible. If something does find its way into your eye, flush your eye out with saline solution and do not rub your eye. Also, make an appointment with us ASAP to ensure no further damage occurs and to make certain the object is no longer in your eye.

Second, lights are fun to put on trees and outside the home. However, when they poke your eye while hanging, the fun soon turns into misery. If this occurs, contact us or go to the emergency room if you begin experiencing blurred vision or extreme pain that won’t go away.

Did your eyes fall victim to the dangers of the holidays? Contact our eye center for an appointment to learn how we can help your vision stay safe!