Eat Your Way to Eye Health
We all know that what we put in our mouth directly affects our physical health, whether in causing us to lose or gain weight, changes in our mood, etc. Well, it turns out the food we choose is not only vital to our physical health, but our eye health, as well!
Keep Your Eye Out for These Foods
Next time you make a visit to the grocery store, be sure to pick up the following foods in order to promote better eye health for you and your family.
First stop, the dark, leafy greens. Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are found in vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, are crucial to eye health, especially since they help with the health of the retina and lower your risk of suffering from cataracts.
Salmon, it’s what’s for dinner! Next time you are unsure of what to make for dinner, consider consuming this fish for supper, as it is full of omega-3, which helps to protect your retina, as well as decrease your risk of macular degeneration. Sardines and anchovies are also excellent choices to boost eye health!
If you are hungry in-between meals, go ahead and grab some carrots for a snack! Carrots are packed full of vitamin A, which assists in ensuring your eyes function properly, as well as helps to improve your eyesight.
Has it been a while since your last eye exam? Contact us today for an appointment!