Maintain Your Eye Health Even With Diabetes
According to the American Diabetes Association, between 2005 and 2008, out of adults with diabetes ages 40 years or older, 4.2 million people suffered from diabetic retinopathy, which is when the small blood vessels located within the retina are damaged, causing vision loss. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with diabetes, learn more about what steps you can take in order to help prevent eye disease caused by diabetes.
Overcome Diabetic Eye Disease
The first thing any person with diabetes should do is control their blood-sugar levels. Not only does high blood sugar cause other symptoms, such as stomach problems, skin issues, etc., an increase in blood sugar can also cause vision problems, including an increased risk of diabetic retinopathy.
In addition, diabetic eye diseases can be caused by high blood pressure. Therefore, maintain a healthy weight, reduce sodium intake, exercise daily, and eat a healthy diet in order to maintain a normal, healthy blood pressure.
Smoking cessation and obtaining annual eye exams can also help in promoting good eye health. Talk to your physician about ways you can quit smoking, and make an appointment with our office today to obtain an eye exam, so you can get a plan in place when it comes to your diabetes and eye care.
Did you know that Dr. Matzkin can diagnose diabetic retinopathy with a clinical exam? If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, make an appointment with Dr. Matzkin today so that he can help you develop a plan in order to maintain your eye health.