Wear with Care: The Dos and Don'ts of Contact Lenses
While glasses are still very fashionable in today’s society, some find more comfort in wearing contact lenses during the day. However, while contact lenses can provide more natural vision and have no obstructions or reflection (like glasses can cause), there are some things that should not be done while wearing contact lenses. Are you guilty of performing these no-nos?
No More Bad Habits
When wearing contact lenses, not only do you want your contact lenses to last (usually a pair is good for two weeks or a month), you also want to protect your vision. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of wearing contacts closely.
For starters, in a season where everyone is headed to the pool as soon as possible during the hot days, be sure you bring the sunscreen and a contact case, as you should take your contact lenses out before swimming.
Also, be sure to always wash your hands before putting in your contact lenses. Note that you want to make sure your hands are completely dry, too, after washing with a mild soap. You do not want soap and cosmetics to come in contact with your lenses.
While eye drops can be used when wearing contact lenses, you need to make sure they are specifically designed for those who wear contact lenses. Some eye drops are not permitted for contact lenses. Therefore, do not use eye drops that are not intended for contacts.
Never sleep in your contact lenses. Never … Never … NEVER! Your contact lenses need to be cleaned every night with the proper solution (discard when expired), and replace your contact case every three months. In addition, only wear contacts for as long as they are prescribed - no longer. For instance, if your contacts are marked for one month, then be sure to change your lenses every month.
Whether you are an avid eyeglass wearer who is ready to take on contact lenses, or feel like your vision could benefit from wearing contact lenses, contact our office today for an eye exam and consultation to see if contact lenses are the perfect solution to your vision issue.